- Started on: 11 feb 2023
- Closing Date: 31 jan 2027
የአምላክ ልጆች ፋውንዴሽን (የአልፋ) ነን:: ከሥራዎቻችን አንዱና ዋነኛ የሆነው "የአራስ ቤት" በሀገራችን በዓይነቱ የመጀመሪያ ሲሆን የአገልግሎት ትኩረቱም ችግረኛ ሴቶች በመንግሥት ጤና ተቋማት ከወለዱ በኋላ በመረከብ እናቶች ታርሰው፣ ልጆች የእናታቸውን ጡት ለስድስት ወራት ጠብተው፣ በሙያ ሠልጥነው እና እናቶች ጎዳናን ለኑሮ እንዳይመርጡ ህጻናቱም ከጉዳት እንዲያመልጡ የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ በመፍጠር የተሻሉ ዜጎች የሚሆኑበትን ዕድል ማመቻቸት ነው።
ለአራሶች እና ለጨቅላ ህፃናቱ የሚያደርገው ድጋፍ:- ማልበስ - ማረስ - ማሰልጠን - ማቋቋም በመባል በአራት ተከፍለዋል::
እርስዎም አራሶችን እንዲጠይቁ እንዲሁም የዚህ መልካም ሥራ ተካፋይ እንዲሆኑና እንደ ባህላችንም የአራስ ገንፎ እንዲበሉ ተጋብዘዋል፡፡
ጊዜው:- ዘወትር ማክስኞ፣ ሐሙስ እና ቅዳሜ ከቀኑ 8 ሰዓት እስከ 11 ሰዓት
ቦታው:-ንፋስ ስልክ ላፍቶ ክ/ከተማ ጀርመን አደባባይ አካባቢ (Google Coordinates = 8.965712, 38.728085)
Ye-Amlak Lijoch Foundation (YLF) is a charity organization based in Ethiopia that is focused on creating a better future for street children, orphans and economically challenged women. We offer post-delivery housing to homeless moms and their newborns. We work hard to make sure they feel loved and supported in this critical time of their life. We provide food, shelter, and other necessities for up to 6 months, in a safe environment where they can learn, grow and thrive.
During their stay in Aras Bet, we help them to get the tools they need to become self-sufficient. This includes skills training, financial literacy courses, parenting classes, and more for sustainable livelihoods. Yes, our sisters and their newborn deserve the opportunity for a better life, and together with your help, we can make this possible. No donation is too small, every little bit counts!
በገንዘብ ልታግዙን ላሰባችሁ/Financial Donation
የአምላክ ልጆች ፋውንዴሽን/Ye-Amlak Lijoch Foundation
የኢትዮዽያ ንግድ ባንክ/Commercial Bank:- 1000340776147
ህብረት ባንክ/Hibret Bank:- 1711111297634017
ብርሃን ባንክ/Berhan Bank: - 2502440104306
ስልክ/Telephone :- +251 96 476 6464/+251 11 369 8599
ኢሜይል/Email: - yeamlaklijoch@gmail.com
ቴሌግራም/Telegram: - @YLF2012
ፌስቡክ/Facebook: - @yeamlaklijoch
ዌብ ሳይት/Website: - https://yeamlaklijoch.org
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