• Legal Name: HELP ETHIOPIA
  • Fundraising Since: 03 jun 2024
  • Registraition number: 5623

HELP Ethiopia, standing for Health, Education, Leadership and Partnership, is a multi-disciplinary organization registered and accorded legal personality in Ethiopia. We have a dedicated Ye'etye charity program that provides crucial financial support to patients ensuring access to all. Beyond that, we champion education, strong leadership, and collaboration - the cornerstone of sustainable change. We envision a healthy resilient Ethiopia with empowered health professionals and seamless healthcare.

Recent Causes

Please, help us to help others

    Ways you can support us

  1. You can simply use the Donate to HELP ETHIOPIA button above and we will apply the funds to any of the causes as we see fit.
  2. Alternatively, you can select a cause that appeals to you more, and give as generously as you can. And, don't forget to inform others, too.
  3. Finally, to go the extra-mile, you can Start a new cause to fundraise from your friends and family.

Whatever you choose, thank you!
