- Legal Name: Ye'Amlak Lijoch Foundation
- Fundraising Since: 25 jan 2023
- Registraition number: 4994
- Phone: +251940439049
- Email: yeamlaklijoch@gmail…
- Website: yeamlaklijoch.org
Ye'Amlak Lijoch Foundation
First all, we would like to express our gratitude to you and your team for giving us chance to express ourselves. This is to briefly mention Yeamlak Lijoch Foundation (YLF). The foundation has been working the last two and half years focusing in program areas of creating home (Aras Bet) for birth-term needy pregnant mothers, supporting economically challenged families with sustainable livelihood improvement, capacity building of family and children’s relations through education, coaching and mentoring envisioning to empower families and create opportunities for orphans and street children to improve their socio-economic wellbeing and spiritual needs.
Our Aras Bet (Post Delivery) services, as it stands now, is unique, highly regarded, and demanded service. The Aras Bet service focuses mainly on: -
a) Delivering care packages (Mama’s Care Bags – clothes for new baby and mom and basic sanitary supplies): - The rapid assessment we undertook to government owned health centers informed us the critical need at the Health Centers Delivery Wards. We started immediately providing 3 care bags monthly to each targeted health centers to enable needy moms to give birth with dignity. One Care Package costs 2,500.00 Birr. Until end of December 2022 we provided 96 care bags and served moms and their little ones.
b) Post Delivery Home (Aras Bet): - This service provides home for homeless and street mothers who give birth at government owned health centers/facilities. We keep moms and their newborn babies for a six-month lactation period. Through the period of six months moms and their newborns will have safe shelter, food, clothing, and necessities for living. In the past 28 months we housed 57 young moms and 59 newborns (two twin babies).
c) Training d) Livelihood Improvement Program e) Home to Home Services
In general, we provide differentiated services based on moms' and newborns' specific needs. We believe this unique approach to reach out street and homeless mothers and their newborns is in line with your mission and program priority and be of interest to collaborate. Further, if you give us time to meet you virtually, we can present the entire program and provide additional clarification for interested groups. Meanwhile, we assure you of YLF’s commitment to serving.
Whatever you choose, thank you!
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